EZLN 30th Anniversary @ Caracol Dolores Hidalgo
Ocosingo, Chiapas, MX
Dec. 30th,2023 - Jan. 2nd, 2024
Zapatistas celebrated 30 years of resistance - since the 1994 uprising against the Mexican government in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, MX. The “caracol” Dolores Hidalgo, was open for a new years message and celebration to the public. Many families, locals from neighboring caracoles, comrades, supporters, reporters and other media outlet reps were in attendance waiting to hear the words from Subcomandante Moises. The last night of 2023 was celebrated with not only the words of Moises, but with fireworks, live music and the marching militias of the caracoles. The next morning, Jan. 1st, the celebration continued with basketball & volleyball games, performances, plays, live music, food and speakers.