“Dropping one of the worst addictions and finding the greatest addiction ever - Jiu-Jitsu.”
- Mikey Green
Mikey Green is 26 years old and originally from San Jose, California. Prior to moving out here he was living in different parts of Northern California and Colorado. As a troubled teenager he picked up a couple bad habits, including addiction at the age of 16. Mikey didn’t see an end to his problems unless he forced himself out of the environment he was living in. At the age of 19, Mikey made a life changing decision to better his health and his future. He moved to Bullhead City with his father.
“The first 2 months in the city were the hardest. But soon after finding work, meeting my girlfriend of 6 years, and Jiu-Jitsu, I found my clear and clean path for good.”
Mikey has been living in Bullhead City the last 6 years of his life. Fully sober, AND training with Professor Rick Lucero the last 5 years.
“Professor pushes us to our limits and tries to make us better every day” says Mikey, which is what got him hooked with Jiu-Jitsu. Since training with Lucero, Mikey has competed in 20 Jiu-Jitsu tournaments since the end of 2013 and is now a purple belt. In 2016 Mikey decided to take a hiatus from the sport to refocus. The hiatus lasted 2 long years, but as of March of this year he is back in competition mode.
Aside from his passion for Jiu-Jitsu, Mikey is an avid gamer. PC gamer to be exact. Gamer that takes his skills to the online platform Twitch (online live stream gaming community) where he’s developed a following and a bi-monthly check for his pocket. Gaming has become a full time job for Mikey, putting in over 8 hours a day, sometimes even 12 hours to help develop his following. The online community also supports his love for Jiu-Jitsu and competition, so when it's time to prep for his next battle they help motivate him.
Mikey will be competing this Saturday (May 11th) at the Avi Resort & Casino . He’ll be there with the full support of his teammates, friends, girlfriend and the online community watching him go to war in his first Jiu-Jitsu super-fight.
Mikey is ready for war. In the words of Professor Lucero, Mikey is ready to "Leave NOTHING for the swim back". Words preached by Lucero for the men of his team to give it their all during training and competition.
See you guys Saturday.