Oct. 2nd, 2021
Las Vegas March For Reproductive Rights & Justice in #DTLV
Big turn out in solidarity against the ban, restrictions and ongoing fight against reproductive & sexual health rights across the world.
Community members letting their voices be heard.
Awesome costumes and great poster art by @school_of_sexuality
Local artist @bluumangoo with “fuck off my uterus” posters alongside @camillethecompassionator of @lasvegasanimalsave
@eztli_hueltiuh of @fifthsunproject with daughter in arms in support of reproductive rights.
Next to her, soon to be mother holds sign sending a message to their future daughter #womensrights
“All unwanted pregnancies are caused by irresponsible ejaculations of men”
- keep abortion safe and legal -
Orgs involved with event & for more educational info follow :
@planevada @votenevada @vegasdsa
@nevada_now @mifamiliavotanv
@ppvotesnevada @ppact @naralprochoicenevada @genderjusticenevada @womensmarch